Sycamore Class – Year 5/6
Welcome to Sycamore Class!
Cycle B Long term plan Y5_6 2024-25.docx
Our learning in Term 1…
We are very excited to welcome the children back to Sycamore class for the new academic year! This year we are fortunate to have a team of adults working in Sycamore class: Mrs Howells, Mrs Miles, Miss Middle, Miss Ward and Mrs Fox.
Please note, this term we will be doing swimming lessons on a Tuesday. Please see the letter sent home for further information.
Our learning in Maths will commence with ‘Place Value’ where we will learn to read, write, partition, round and compare numbers to 1,000,000 in Year 5 and 10,000,000 in Year 6. We will then move on to look at the 4 operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
In writing, we will start the year by consolidating prior learning such as forming complex sentences with subordinating clauses. We will recap how to use the ‘think, say, write, check’ technique to effectively compose and edit writing, ensuring accuracy in both sentence structure and spelling. Initially this will be applied to fantasy writing and later a news report.
Across the wider curriculum, we will commence our Science unit on ‘Forces’ with the children planning and conducting fair tests to determine how best to slow down falling objects. In French, we will recap prior learning of core vocabulary (such as colours and numbers) as well as introducing classroom instructions. Our PSHE topic this term is ‘Being Me in my World’, our music will be centred around the genre of ‘Soul’ and in RE we will be learning about Judaism. Finally, our History topic is ‘The Mayan Civilisation’ where we will explore their society (including their beliefs and social structures) as well as their legacy.
Please note:
- PE lessons will be on Wednesdays. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit.
- Swimming lessons will take place on Tuesdays. Please ensure children have a swimming costume, swimming hat, goggles and a towel.
- Children need to have a spare pair of shoes or wellies in school every day for our Adventure Play and Paddock area.
- It is important that children always have a coat in school as we will be outside as much as possible in all weathers.
Weekly Home Learning Tasks
Your child’s reading record and scheme reading book needs to come into school every day.
Please ensure your child is:
- Reading every day and note this in their reading record
- Completing at least 10 minutes of times table practise every day (for updated details see below) – children will be asked to complete other Maths activities for homework when their times table recall is both fluent and accurate.
Year 6 children will be set an additional weekly home learning task designed to take between 20 and 30 minutes. This will be collected in on a Friday.
Reading, Spellings and Times tables
Your child will have two reading books that they use at school. One will be a levelled scheme reading book that will go home and be brought into school every day. The other will be a book that they keep at school to read for pleasure. Your child will be assessed on their book level by the class teacher and teaching assistants at regular intervals throughout the term.
Spellings lists will be shared on this page (on the right hand side) at beginning of the term. We no longer complete Spelling tests on a Friday; instead we complete ongoing assessments. Sometimes this will take the form of a traditional spelling test, but this could also be in the form of a dictation exercise. These assessments can happen on any day, they are low stakes and often informal in nature. They will be based on previously learned spelling patterns and rules from that term, that year or even an earlier year group.
Children are encouraged to use Times Tables Rockstars as well as Doodle Maths to work on their times tables and number facts each week. It is vital that these basic number facts are practiced as much as possible!
Login information for any online resources has been stuck into the inside cover of your child’s reading record.
Class Teacher:
Mrs Howells
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Miles, Miss Middle, Miss Ward and Mrs Fox
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Howells on Class Dojo.