As the Local Governing Body for St Julian's Church School we work as a team to support and challenge the school leaders in their journey of improvement. Above our LGB there is the MNSP Trust with 11 trustees.
Our LGB has the following members:
- Kerrie Courtier – Chair of Governors – Safeguarding
- Isobel Mills – Headteacher (St Julian’s)
- Rob Bubyer – Foundation Governor – SIAMS and Health and Wellbeing
- Rob Lancastle – Parent Governor – Health and Safety
- Karen Parker – Staff Governor – staff wellbeing and stakeholder views
- Anthony Williams – Parent Governor
- Paulina Wegrzynek – Parent Governor
- Sophie Addison – SEN Governor
To contact the governors please email the chair of governors, Mrs Kerrie Courtier, ( or the Clerk, Mrs Kate Edwards (
Full details of each governor role, date of appointment and length of term can be found below or by following the link to the MNSP Trust governance page. Here you will also find the Memorandum of Association.