Using the National Curriculum as the basis for all lessons, teachers across the school teach writing in a creative, hands-on approach call The Write Stuff.
Each class (from Reception to Year 6), follow The Write Stuff scheme for at least 3 units of work a year. This scheme is a comprehensive approach to scaffolding, embedding and developing children’s writing ability. This is achieved through a rigorous 3-step approach of idea generation, modelling writing and then applying these skills to their own work. Grammar and punctuation lessons are taught both discretely as well as part of a unit, children are encouraged to focus on their grammar and punctuation when editing longer pieces of work.
When teachers are not using The Write Stuff, the creative approach certainly does not stop! Using current affairs, National celebrations and class interests are at the forefront of the teacher’s planning. Harvest, Remembrance, Poetry, History, Science Week and Book Day are just a small snapshot of the events and celebrations used to underpin our daily writing lessons.
Writing is celebrated in class as well as during our celebration assembly on a Friday. Children at St. Julian’s are encouraged to take creative risks and enjoy their writing in class, as well as at home!
What will your child learn in writing?
View our Whole School Writing Curriculum Progression Final
View our Handwriting Policy – St Julian’s
View our Presentation Policy – St Julian’s
How can I help my child at home?
Please encourage your child to talk about their writing and to write often – postcards, diaries, shopping lists, letters, stories…. We want children to enjoy writing so please share with your child’s teacher any work they produce at home so it can be celebrated in class.
Regular practising of spellings, either words that follow a spelling rule or pattern, or those words that just need to be learnt is very important and doing this daily at home will support your child’s progress in writing.
View one of our Spelling tools (No Nonsense Spelling) for support NNS_Spelling_pathway
View the National Curriculum spelling lists for each year group