Ofsted & SIAMS

Ofsted & SIAMS at St Julian's Church School

We are a 'Good' School!

We were delighted with the outcomes of our last Ofsted inspection. Particular highlights from the report are:

  • Pupils enjoy attending this friendly, caring school… The school is a calm and orderly place to learn.
  • Leaders’ vision, ‘aim high – believe – succeed’, is evident in their high expectations for all pupils. Pupils strive to achieve their best.
  • One parent commented, ‘St Julian’s is a warm, nurturing school community where my children are thriving, both in their social and educational development.’
  • The school’s Christian ethos underpins all aspects of school life. For example, pupils
    display the values of aspiration and resilience in their positive attitudes to learning. They work hard and concentrate in lessons because they want to achieve their best.
  • Pupils feel safe in school. Bullying rarely happens. However, when it does, pupils say staff are quick to resolve the issues.
  • Teachers use their subject knowledge well to deliver the curriculum. Pupils speak confidently about what they are learning and how it builds on what they already know.
  • Leaders have created a culture of high ambition for all pupils. This includes pupils with
    special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders work with external agencies to ensure pupils receive the support they need. Teachers provide resources that enable pupils with SEND learn well.
  • The curriculum for pupils’ wider personal development is a strength of the school. Leaders plan a range of trips, residential visits, and events they want all pupils to experience. Pupils are enthusiastic about visiting places in other countries, such as Bordeaux and Belfast, as part of the Erasmus project. They say it helps them to learn about other cultures.
  • Pupils relish leadership opportunities, including being librarians, house captains
    and members of the ‘ethos, equality and eco team’. One pupil said, ‘We enjoy these
    responsibilities. They teach us to be independent, help others and make our school a
    better place.’

We know we have areas for development and these are being addressed through our subsequent School Improvement Plans.

OFSTED Report  – 2023

As a church school we have an additional inspection called a SIAMs inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools). This inspection looks carefully at our Christian distinctiveness, our vision and values, the teaching of religious education and our daily acts of Collective Worship.

SIAMS Report  – 2024

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