Positive Behaviour In Our School
We expect all children to behave well, respecting themselves, their peers and the school. We teach children how to live and breath our school values in how they behave.
Children earn House points in recognition for excellent behaviour. These are rewarded throughout the day to everyone for making good choices. All children belong to a House (vertical grouping across the whole school) to earn House Points. House Captains collect the number of House Points earned each week. At the end of term the house with the highest number of house points earns a house treat.
There are certificates and rewards for good work, super star learning and being a good role model. Children’s efforts and achievements are celebrated in Friday’s assembly. Children can also bring certificates and medals achieved outside school to our celebration assembly on a Friday.
At the end of the school year we also celebrate and reward children who have been exceptional role models all year and children with 100% attendance.