SEN, Disability & Inclusion
SEND and Inclusion Statement
St Julian’s is dedicated to inclusive practice and welcomes all children and their families, including those pupils with disabilities and special educational needs. This is reflected very strongly in our Christian ethos and our whole school values.
We aim to provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum that provides relevant and challenging learning for all pupils.
We are mindful however, of the diverse needs of our learners and recognise that not all children will be able to access the curriculum and reach their potential without help.
There may be occasions throughout a child’s time with us when they require additional support and we work closely with families and outside agencies such as Educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, Occupational Therapists and behaviour support to ensure we fully meet the needs of all of our learners.
Our SEND policy is accessed through our Policies page.
Please read St Julian’s-Primary-School-SEND-procedures-2024 – 2025 for further details on early identification of needs and the SEND process at St Julian’s.
If you would like more information about our SEND provision please contact our SENDCO Mrs Ceri Mapstone by email or
SEN Governor: Sophie Addison
SEN Information Report 2024-2025