Religious Education

Religious Education at St Julian's Church School

We teach RE in a way that follows the sequence of the Biblical narrative and the Anglican year, allowing for coherent story telling and the integration of collective worship. This is further supported by the celebration of key events within the Anglican year (eg Christmas, Easter) Opportunities will be provided to gain first-hand experience of religious buildings and to interview representatives from all faiths.

Our Curriculum

The proposed RE delivery uses the curriculum created by AMV Somerset because of its integration of the Understanding Christianity (UC) resources and its separate teaching of other religions. We feel this curriculum allows for the best use of UC resources and reduces the possible confusion between religions that concept based teaching can cause. To this curriculum we have added outcomes from UC that did not feature in the original AMV Somerset delivery to ensure that the full picture presented by UC is not missed.

Spiritual awareness is a crucial part of each pupil’s development. Whilst not exclusive to RE, time is given to pursue and develop each pupil’s spirituality.

Our Plan

The long term plan has been arranged over a two year rolling programme that will use the UC headings (God, Creation, Fall, People of God, Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation, Kingdom of God) in sequence with the Anglican year (Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost)  to deliver the teaching of Christianity and Judaism. The teaching of Judaism and Christianity will be separate but sequential (see YR-B term 1,2,3) to allow students to understand the relationship between the faiths, the origins of Christianity and Jesus’ Jewish heritage. This narrative sequencing is repeated within the terms, echoing the UC focus on understanding the ‘big story’ of the Bible before teaching individual events. Islam, Hinduism and Humanism will then be delivered in term 6 of each year, giving these faiths dedicated time to be taught without confusion between them.

For KS2, Islam, Hinduism and Humanism is delivered in Term 6 of each year, so giving these faiths dedicated time to be taught without confusion between them. 

Key events within the Anglican year are studied and celebrated within the Wellow community.  The curriculum is further enriched by access to quality artefacts (all religions) visitors from all faiths and external visits.

We actively seek to link with the local and wider Community. We welcome visitors from all faiths, and none, to help the children link lessons taught, with real life. We have a great Church Team who are engaged with the children’s R.E. learning, from holding weddings and baptisms in church to visiting in school and leading assemblies. When possible, the children also visit places of worship.

Each term RE lessons give children the time, space and opportunity to reflect on their own spirituality and what it might mean to them to pray.  These lessons link to the term’s value and also our Collective Worship.

Spiritual development is a big part of RE learning. Asking deep questions and being able to respectively express their own opinions, is encouraged, and the use of Godly Play and reflections, using ‘I wonder questions’ helps this.

RE Progression

MT Plan for RE 2-year rolling programme

Expected Impact

The impact of delivery will be a clear understanding of the ‘big story’ of the Bible in a way that allows students to understand the individual UC headings in their context, enabling them to handle Bible text appropriately and see the connections with Judaism and the significance for  their lives today. There also will be a direct synergy between the RE delivery, the shape of the Anglican year expressed in collective worship and the teaching of the school vision and values. This will enhance both the coherence of all RE subjects and integration of the curriculum into the life of the school. The opportunity to study other religions exclusively will ensure a sound understanding of the diversity of faith, so ensuring an open minded approach to other people’s faiths and backgrounds.

Real life experience of key events within the Christian calendar, comparing similarities and differences between religious buildings and interviewing representatives from multiple faiths will compliment and enrich this experience. Misconceptions, prejudice and ignorance, which can divide society, will be minimised.

Opportunities given to explore personal spirituality will underpin the development of a well-adjusted and spiritually aware member of the school community.

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