Oak Class – Reception

Oak Class – Reception at St Julian's Church School

In Oak class we enable our Reception children to thrive through play-based learning, outdoor exploration and challenging opportunities in preparation for life's adventures!

Welcome to Oak class!

In Oak class we believe that the classroom is the second teacher and that with carefully thought out planning and set-up, children become autonomous learners; the children are the leaders. It is then our job as practitioners to support them in their exploration. We also have a wonderful outdoor learning area so that pupils have the choice of whether they explore new concepts inside or outside. They can design and build elaborate bridges to walk across; explore under the sea creatures at the water tray; cook interesting meals in the mud kitchen; become pirates using costumes and props or create a piece of artwork.

Through play based activities and challenges we teach the Early Years Curriculum in a way that inspires and encourages our children to ask deeper questions as well as providing a learning journey full of nurturing and enriched opportunities. With the opening imminent of our new adventure area, we can’t wait to see their imaginations set free as they explore the larger and exciting area!

Over the academic year we will have a broad range of topics. These topics will be  planned, taking into account, the interest of the children and ensuring we create both a wide and diverse curriculum that engages and excites.

This term we will continue to teach  Phonics using Little Wandle , Literacy using Drawing Club and Maths using White Rose and NCETM with both adult led sessions and continuous provision. As well as the adult led activities children will also have Explore time which follows the individual interests of the children.

Term 3 Journeys – Medium Term Plan 

Our topic this term is ‘Journeys’. This will focus on  journeys in different ways/meanings.  We will look at our personal journeys , discussing our dreams and goals. In literacy , Drawing club, we will explore books with journeys: Lost and found, Whatever Next! One Snowy Night and A day on our blue planet – Arctic. This term we will have an extra focus on Knowledge and understanding of the world as we explore the world of science with a trip to ‘We the Curious’.  As we are in the winter season, the children will explore the colder weather conditions and effects as well as areas of the world that are cold (arctic habitats and cultures of the Inuits) .   We will explore people from history who have contributed to science or explorations of the colder areas of the world. We will finish the end of term with a display of the science we have investigated and learnt.

Term 3’s core value is  – Creativity  – How can we be creative in our thinking as well as creative in the arts?

Reading and Phonics with Little Wandle

We teach phonics and reading through Little Wandle.  Reception are currently working on Spring 1  which will see them complete the end of Phase 3. We have a reading cafe at the beginning of term 3  which is an an opportunity to learn how you can support your child with reading .

All children  have a school reading book which will be based on teacher assessment and phonics. Books will be  given out on the Wednesday and must be returned to school on the following Monday as they are often rotated between groups. This book will be familiar as we will have read the book three times in school before going home. They should be reading the book fluently, with 90% of the words being read without the need to segment. As a result of this increase in fluency, speed and accuracy, comprehension improves as cognitive overload is reduced.

The second book the children will bring home will be a ‘sharing book’. This will have an ‘s’ sticker on the front. This is a book chosen by your child to encourage a love of reading and can be changed at any time.

Please ensure you sign the purple home-school contact book/reading record each time you read with your child. The expectation is to read daily even for five minutes.

Click here for the  overview of our phonics learning in EYFS and Year 1  

Click here for access to the Little Wandle Revised Letter and Sounds Parents Support 

Please note:

  • PE lessons are on Wednesdays. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit.
  • All children require a water bottle in school everyday.
  • Children must have in school every day a spare pair of wellies for our outdoor classroom and paddock area as well as spare clothes in case they get wet.
  • It is important that children always have a waterproof coat  and wellies in school all term as we will be outside as much as possible in all weathers.
  • Contact books/reading records are required in school every day.


It is really important that children spend some time at home each week consolidating their learning at school and it is helpful if they have a quiet space to do so. You can find a copy of our Home Learning Expectation on the policies section of our website. In our class the expectation is:

  • Weekly phonics to practice through practice reading book including a phonics folder. 
  • Daily reading or sharing of a book for pleasure.

Sometimes our home learning might include

  • Occasional themed work linked to learning at school 
  • Logins to below maths websites will follow later in Term 3

Play Numbots

Play Doodle Maths



To contact Mrs Parker please use messaging on Class Dojo, purple contact book (if not urgent ) or on pick up or drop off if urgent.  


Class Teachers:

Mrs Parker

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Tiley , Mrs Saunders &Miss Smith

Mrs Moss will cover Oak class for Mrs Parker’s PPA every other Wednesday.





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